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Christine Meuris
In Symmetry, 2022
Artist Kristina Nobleman and I created work In Symmetry. With the concepts of wholeness and balance in mind, we created work in our related yet unique visual languages. Both of us are inspired by the basic grid pattern of plain weave textiles and the effect that simple methods like folding, cutting, or removing threads can achieve in creating harmonious imagery - imagery that aspires to convey more than the sum of its parts. Using a restrained palette and limited materials, such as paper, ink, fabric, and thread, we have collaborated to create a conversation about the holistic nature of perception and the sensory delight of symmetry. Below is a selection of my work.

Sea Symbols
Bookbinding cloth, mulberry paper, sumi ink, thread. 21" x 21”, 2022

Sea Symbols, detail

Sea Symbols, II
Bookbinding cloth, mulberry paper, sumi ink, thread. 21" x 21”, 2022

Sea Symbols II, detail

Bookbinding cloth, mulberry paper, sumi ink, linen, thread. 14” x 32”, 2022

Source, detail

Bookbinding cloth, mulberry paper, sumi ink, linen, thread. 24” x24", 2022

Pinch, detail

Bookbinding cloth, mulberry paper, linen, thread. 21” x21", 2022

Bestial, detail

Origin Point
Bookbinding cloth, mulberry paper, sumi ink, linen, thread. 21” x21", 2022

Origin Point, detail
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